Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Are You Prepared?

Lately, I've been preparing for the inevitable--full-time caregiving. Constant days with no breaks off for shopping, meeting a friend for lunch, or attending a movie with my girls. We're not there yet, but I feel we are fast approaching, so I have been checking into all possibilities while I can.

I called my Long Term Disability (LTD) representative a couple weeks ago, to see if there was a clause in our policy that would help pay for respite help for me (and Jamey). He told me I'd need to contact our insurance or care agent.

Hmmmm. I wasn't sure what that meant, but I did some research and found out that there is a big difference between LTD and Long Term Care (LTC). I thought they were the same thing, but boy was I mistaken! It's too late for us the get LTC because Jamey already has an existing medical problem (they can deny you for this kind of insurance), but hopefully it's not too late for you! I've re-printed an article explaining the differences between LTD and LTC, written by a friend of ours who provides both. He is the most knowledgeable on the subject, bar none.

Read the article posted under CAREGIVER INFO on the right side of this page. And please look into LTC before it's too late. You won't even notice the monthly payment and it will be so worth it in the long run!

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