Saturday, June 28, 2014

I Feel Like I've Been Dive-bombed!

Have you ever observed a mother eagle as she teaches her eaglets how to fly?  Why does she teach them to fly? She teaches them so they won’t end up as a meal for a predator. So they will be able to be strong and fend for themselves. So they will learn to trust her.

She pushes one little eaglet to the edge of the nest and soars under the nest, then back up over the eaglet, letting out an enormous shriek to let him know it’s time. Then she swoops down and dive-bombs the eaglet out of the nest. As her little baby falls, he finds his wings.  One by one she does this to each of her babies. 

Sometimes, after a dive-bombing, the eaglet cannot find its wings! So the mother eagle simply spreads her wide wings, moves under the bird and catches it on her enormous feathers. Then, ever so gently she places the eaglet back on the edge of the nest, soars up and dive-bombs it again.

Do you ever feel like God is dive-bombing you? Over and over again?  He doesn’t do this to make you unhappy, to tease you, or cause you pain. He does it because He knows it will make you stronger.You may not think so at the moment--you just want to be safe inside the nest--but trusting in Him will make you stronger. Some day you will find your wings and be the person He wants and longs for you to be. 

Don’t let caregiving get the best of you. Find your wings! God is spreading out His enormous wings underneath you so when you fall (and you most surely will), He will be able to carry you back to the nest until He's ready to dive-bomb you again. He has only good in mind for you. He wants you to gain strength and trust His presence in your life. In the end, you will be so glad you were able to be there for your loved one. You will have precious memories that will always be with you; memories of sweetness, not bitterness.

Let the dive-bombing begin!

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