How to Identify Caregiver Burnout

You may not even realize you're headed for Caregiver burnout. So, keep these symptoms in mind and heed the clues before you start down that slippery slope! If it takes $50 (to pay a respite care worker) to get you out of a dangerous situation, then it's worth it in the long run.

Physical Symptoms: (any one “yes” answer is a red flag!)

            tDigestive problems
tSleep deprivation (trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, memory loss, tired after sleeping, irritability, hallucinations, confusion)          
            tChronic back pain or other chronic health flare-ups
            tOther muscle tensions
            tLoss of appetite
            tWeight gain
            tLetting personal grooming or appearance slip

Emotional Symptoms:  (any one “yes” answer is a red flag!)
            tIncreased anger
            tEmotional exhaustion
            tIncreased anxiety
            tPreoccupation with death and dying
            tLow self-esteem
            tIncreased use of nicotine/alcohol/drugs
            tMemory loss

How to Cope with Caregiver Burnout

Set your own goals:
You should decide what you can and cannot do. Do not let the doctors or other family members decide for you what you should be doing (unless there is a physical issue that needs to be addressed by a medical doctor). Be realistic.

Evaluate the situation:
Ask yourself realistically how much time you can designate to caregiving. Don't do more than you can handle!

Understand that it’s OK to have mixed feelings:
Your emotions should be mixed. You may feel angry that your family member is ill or that this is happening to you, but you may also feel guilty that you’re angry when you’re not the one who is ill.These are all normal emotions--don't beat yourself up about it.

Understand it’s out of your control: As much as we would like to be capable of controlling our loved one’s pain, it is beyond our control as a caregiver, we can only make it more comfortable for the. And hopefully, we can add some joy and humor into the situation.

Talk About it:
Do not keep your emotions inside—develop a trustworthy support team. Be sure the people you vent to will not take your words to someone else. They should realize you are letting off steam and that you simply need to unload on someone.

Be Proactive:
Plan ahead. Although it is sometimes difficult to do so, it is important to be proactive rather than reactive. Begin to discuss with your family, topics that are directly related with the care of your loved one.Find out ahead of time what others in your family can and cannot do to help.

Share the Care:
You do not have to do everything yourself. It is OK to ask for help. Involve other relatives in the care early on, including multiple-day care over weekends and holidays. Do not martyr yourself. No one should expect to provide all care every day without help.You probably are Super Woman (or man), but let's not prove it all at once!

Maintain Social Contacts:   Keep doing as many outside activities as are possible for yourself.

Schedule Respite Time for Yourself:  If you have to make it in writing, do it. Whether it is daily, weekly or monthly, you must have down time for yourself. Don’t let anything come up that will hinder you keeping the appointment for yourself.

Understand the Disease: And, make sure children and siblings understand the disease. Let them assume caregiving duties for short periods, so they experience first-hand the stress you experience as a Caregiver. They too, will suffer doubt, denial, guilt and anger (because of the situation), and the fury may be directed at you, but walking in your shoes for a short period of time, may help this.

Recognize Human Emotions: Knowing what are normal, acceptable emotions like guilt and anger as opposed to hatred, bitterness and disdain, and learning when to act on these emotions and when not to.

Know When You’re Facing Burnout: The incidence of headache, insomnia, backache or other physical symptoms during caregiving can be stress-related, stemming from unresolved anger, guilt and/or depression. Nearly all Care Givers are physically affected by the care recipient's illness. Face that fact and accept it. To remain an effective Caregiver, you must take time out for yourself.


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