Monday, June 23, 2014

Mornings with Jamey

I recently had to cut my hours to be home with Jamey in the mornings. He has the most difficulty before 2 P.M. It's a little scary to step out in faith about our finances. But, I do believe God will take care of all our needs, even if I'm a little apprehensive!

I have enjoyed our mornings together. It's a nice quiet time and he is usually able to converse a little in the A.M. While I don't really like to cook (If I could "sew" a meal, I'd do much better), I have been faithful to making him a good hot breakfast. He appreciates it (I think) and I feel better about starting his day out with something nourishing. I can usually get myself ready for work and get the kitchen cleaned up before I leave, so that makes me feel better about the day (for some reason I cannot compartmentalize a clean house from my emotional status.So having the dishes done makes me feel better all day long. Weird, huh?).

Today I made him an egg, bacon and cheese burrito with a little salsa (he hates tomatoes but he will tolerate mild salsa. I would love some suggestions for quick, easy, and nutritious breakfasts. LOL Guess that's a pretty tall order! Well, I'll take 1 of the 2 if you can't give me all 3! Feel free to suggest things. My biggest challenge where that's concerned is that he won't eat vegetables. Try as I might, I haven't been successful getting the green things down his throat. I resorted to buying Fusion Juice by V-8. It has a helping of vegetables in each serving but it tastes like fruit. That, he'll drink. Sometimes I hide veggies in stuff but he always finds them. What's a caregiver to do?!

I've added new pages off to the right side of the blog above HOME. You can click on the links and they take you to the title of your choice. This allows me to be a little more intimate with you but also give you the practical info you need to do your job more effectively.

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauri –

    Thank you for starting this blog!
    As for breakfasts, I like oatmeal so I buy 25 lb bags of Steel Cut Oats on line from Bob’s Red Mill. It takes 20-30 minutes to cook depending on how creamy you like it but you can make enough at once to last the week. I like to add whole cranberries (not sweetened), blueberries or blackberries, ground flax ( I have a mini-coffee grinder to grind up the whole flaxseeds; makes it easier to digest. Again you can grind enough for a week or so) and pecans. For sweetening, I use chopped dried dates. Of course you can add bananas or anything else that you like. Best of all, there isn’t a single tomato in here so Jamey needn’t be concerned about searching for any Early Girls or Big Boys you’ve hidden in the bottom of his bowl.

    As for vegetables, see if he’ll try this: Buy a Butternut squash and a large yam, peel them both, chunk them up and steam them. No seasonings needed. Then mash them all up. Guaranteed not to have any green coloration. If there IS any green coloration, you might have mistaken a honeydew melon for the butternut squash.

    Hang in there!
