Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fact vs Fiction: the Truth About Nursing Homes

Just found this wonderful website that will answer a lot of your questions about caregiving and provides great resources as well. Remember, just because you're a caregiver doesn't mean you can't also use help from places like Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Residences. Here is a little sampling...

March 24, 2014
Let’s face the facts: There are a lot of people who don’t have an accurate understanding of skilled nursing care centers (which many call nursing homes). These misunderstandings can lead to harmful myths that may prevent families from seeking the help they need.
When considering care options, it’s important to separate fact from fiction. To start, let’s bust three of the most common myths about skilled nursing care centers: 
  1. Myth: Nursing and post-acute care centers are like hospitals. Fact: While care centers do offer in-depth medical care, they are very different from hospitals. Care centers often feel more like homes or apartments. And, in addition to medical care, many centers offer social activities and recreation programs.
  2. Myth: Care center patients never leave. Fact: On average, one in every four patients stays less than three months at a care center. Some stay only for a month to recover from an injury or illness.
  3. Myth: Care centers are unreasonably expensive. Fact: The daily cost of a care center can be a fraction of the cost of a day in the hospital. Overall, care centers are one of the most affordable options for 24-hour, professional nursing and rehabilitative care.

To discover more facts about care centers, check out the Fact vs. Myth page on

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