Friday, August 31, 2018

Updates and Other Stuff

Working the Speed Bag
Rock Steady Boxing Update: The classes continue to go well and Jamey is getting some benefit. He can actually get out of his chair once in awhile throughout the day and that is a big deal! In addition, word is apparently getting out, because we have had a lot more visitors sitting in to see if it will be a good fit for them. I'm sure we will be adding students.

We recently learned the Rock Steady series we attend is the only certified Rock Steady program in the area. Which means that people come from below Sacramento all the way up to Nevada City to attend (that's about a 75 mile coverage). It would be great if there were another one closer to home, but this seems to be it for now. Jamey's neurologist told us that to be a certified Rock Steady Program the owner/operator must attend training back east for two weeks. Since that is a luxury not many people can afford, I understand why there are not more doing it. But, thankfully, the owner/coach of our group is passionate about it. It does take us about 45 minutes to get there but others are travelling farther than that, so I am thankful.

Claudine; our Girl Friday, and More
Caregiver Update: We now have help 3 mornings a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 9AM to 1PM. Claudine is an awesome caregiver and makes Jamey's breakfast and lunch each of those days. She shaves, showers and dresses him as well, so it gives me a wonderful break during that time. I often go out shopping or sew, or do something else relaxing. She is a God-send. She's also strong and tall so has no problem lifting Jamey or tending to his other needs. He feels safe with her, unlike his last caregiver. Her personality is wonderful and she talks just enough for Jamey's taste (which means, not much). We hope she never leaves us (I know that's unrealistic, but I can dream, can't I?).

ASL Update: While it is a good idea, and it has helped a little, Jamey has difficulty remembering which sign is which (see last post, Concentration=Exhaustion: PD Related Problems). And, because he can't always get his body to work properly, he sometimes cannot get both of his hands to do the sign he needs, either. All in all, for him, I don't think ASL is the best way to communicate. We will have to continue verbal communication and just hope we can understand one another. The only time it is really difficult is when we are in his boxing class where music and cooling fans are loud. Usually, at home, we can muddle through!

PANC CONFERENCE: We weren't planning to attend this year's Parkinson's Association of Northern California Educational Conference, but once Dr. Khandhar asked Jamey to go personally, that took care of that! Dr. K is speaking, as are several of the Neuro PT's that Jamey and I know. The conference this year will include topics that pertain to us in particular: Early Onset (or Young Onset), Surgical Interventions, Nutrition and the Art of Movement to name a few. In addition, there is always a question and answer time (photo below is Dr. K answering a question during such). It will be held at the McClellan Conference Center (of airbase fame) in Sacramento. If you'll be anywhere close to there on September 22, go online and sign up ahead of time. You won't be disappointed!


  1. Lauri, I love reading your updates. Your loving heart inspires me.

    1. Kathleen, you sweetie! I never miss hearing from you. You are a great inspiration! Love you, Girl!

  2. Lauri, Yesterday Jamey sent me the link to your blog. In spite of what you and Jamey are dealing with you are amazing. Your comments regarding God and your faith are so inspiring. There's a lot of love shining through too. I have known Jamey for many years through sports sim leagues and it was Paul Nielsen who told me about the Parkinson's diagnosis many years ago. Since then I have had Jamey in my daily prayers. I will make sure those prayers include both of you going forward. Never underestimate the POWER OF PRAYER ... I know you won't. God bless you both.

    1. Brandon, thank you so much for you kind words. You, know, God never fails us and it is evident even in this long journey He has us on! I cannot believe we are in our 22nd year with Parkinson's. Jamey is amazing and never complains in spite of all he has lost. We feel completely blessed, especially with friends like you who pray for us! Thank you so much!
