Sunday, August 13, 2017

Go River Cats!

As most of you know (especially if you are Giant's fans) Sacramento's Raley Field hosts a Giant's farm team called the River Cats. Turns out the drive is about the same distance we drove to see the Giant's play at AT&T Park. The nice thing about Raley is that it's a lot more disabled-friendly, and holds fewer people. So, for those of us who have trouble walking in crowds, it's just right! Very much like Spring Training ballparks.

The church that Jamey's parents attend, gets group rates once a year, and we were able to join them this time around. Since the seats were in a reserved section, and differently-abled folks can sit in any open spot behind the first section of seats anywhere in the park, his parents were able to find us an opening right behind their church group! And it was a great view! Jamey just drove his chair into the empty space and I sat in the stadium seat right next to him.

It is fun to watch up-and-coming pro leaguers, along with some that have been to "The Bigs" and come back to AAA because the injured player they replaced got better. We saw lots of names we recognized; Trevor Brown, Conor Gillaspie, Mac Williamson, and Jae-Gyun Huang. The roster is filled with great prospects. In the end, we didn't win, but Mac hit a homer to put us ahead in the 8th. It wasn't enough but it sure got us going for a couple innings.

It's always difficult for us to do something new, especially where crowds are concerned, but we are glad his parents asked us to go. It was worth the time and energy. Looks like we can get our dose of baseball now and again without traveling all the way to Arizona!

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