Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Bigger Picture

One of my pastors at the church I used to attend (Jon Talbert), relayed this story of a checkers game he had with his then, young daughter.

Jon was playing checkers with one of his daughters and his strategy was puzzling her. He would play piece after piece that he knew she would take. She continued to gloat each time she took one of his pieces, all the while wondering why he was letting her “win”. Then in one swift move, Jon jumped 5 or 6 of her men in succession, and took the piece farthest from his side of the board, placing himself into the hot spot and very proudly proclaiming, “Crown me king!”

Jon’s daughter couldn’t see that with each sacrifice he made he was moving closer to the prize, closer to winning the game.  Jon could see the big picture but his daughter couldn’t because she was too focused on what she was doing and how she was going to get what she wanted. If she had just looked up from the game, stood back and realized the whole picture, she might have been able to strategize differently.

In our caregiving efforts, we cannot always see the entire picture of what the job has to offer us. We simply continue to try and do it ourselves, carrying the burdens and making the plans when all we need to do is look up and see the big picture; what you’re accomplishing for our loved one, what we’re learning for ourselves, and what is going to benefit us all in the long run.

God is always able to see the “big picture”. If we allow Him to guide our steps in caregiving, it makes our lives much easier…well, if not easier, at least more peaceful and perhaps even joyful. Take a breath, take time to pray, and look at the big picture; this job is SO worth your time and energy!

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