Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Virtual Hug

It's the third week of the lock down, so I will attempt to post on our blog. But please forgive me as I wander along; my posting is sure to be a little disjointed as that is how I'm feeling these days as well.

Jamey's boxing coach has arranged several days a week for everyone to box and chat, virtually (Zoom app). It has been a blessing to be able to continue moving when we can, and still be in touch with fellow boxers in the class!  WW is also doing our workshop meetings with Zoom. It's been great! We don't feel like we're missing out on as much with this wonderful technology tool. Perhaps we all should have bought stock in Zoom before this whole thing started!

If this outbreak had happened even 20 years ago, we wouldn't have been able to do video chats, work from home, attend conference meetings, or do many of the things we are now taking for granted. It really is awesome. But, hopefully, the world will not choose to use this method after the outbreak is over. Even those who do not like hugging or personal contact, will surely miss the closeness of other people. God created humans to be in community. Separating from one another, even for a few months, is sure to take its toll on us all. I mean, a virtual hug, just isn't going to do it for most of us!

There are a couple of ways to look at this house-bound scenario; it's either going to bring people (families) closer to together, or it's going to drive a wedge into our relationships. Partners who are usually able to have time alone, are being forced to be together 24/7, and that can be a challenge for some. Perhaps, people are stronger than I think. I hope so. If not, we are going to have a lot of divorces when this whole thing is over. But, on the flip side...we might also have a lot of new babies; I mean, what else is there to do when you're stuck in the house all day?! 😊

Jamey and I have taken to playing more video games and/or board games together. We  spend time at opposite ends of the house; he in his man-cave, me in my she-shed, and then we meet in the middle, and do something together. It's been fun, but we ARE only in week three. Let's see how we feel on week four or five. 😃 I think balance is the key in all we do. Find something to do together, then, find something to do, just yourself. I realize not everyone has the space to separate like we do, but at this point, most of us can still go outside, so maybe that is an option.

Whatever you're doing, do it with patience and perspicacity, knowing seclusion, for the time being, is necessary to perhaps saving others. Find games to play, books to read, meals to cook, quilts to sew, prayers to pray, or whatever it takes to distract you. We are all in this together and we will all get through it together. We've been through some really tough stuff, so this is just another challenge on our way! God never said life was going to be easy, in fact He said it was going to hard;

 "...Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows, . but take heart, because I have overcome the world." John 16:33

I pray you are all holding onto that hope. I know we are!