Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Specialist for Every Symptom

If you or a loved one has been living with Parkinson's, you know that it is a disease like no other. There are a multitude of aspects to this disease that are impossible to address with only one doctor. A number of specialists must often be enlisted with PD.

A recent article in PANC (Parkinson Association of Northern California1) suggests that, although twenty years ago Parkinson's was considered a movement disorder, we now know that there is so much more to this disabling condition. So many facets of life are touched by the lack of body's manufacture of dopamine.

Note just a few of the things affected by PD: constipation, diarrhea, sleep disturbance, depression, anxiety, cognitive impairment, trouble with speech, difficulty swallowing, and body temperature regulation. But that is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg! Thankfully, research has opened the door for medical experts to step in and lend help in each of these areas of need. And, thankfully, we are seeing more and more insurance companies and Medicare help out with many of the costs.

Today's PD sufferers might enlist the help of one or ALL of the following:

1.   Neurologist or Movement Disorder specialist

2.   Neuro Physical Therapist (a PT who is neurologically trained, possibly certified in LSVT BIG2 or PWR3)

3.   Speech/ Swallow Therapist (often a specialist in LSVT LOUD2)

4.   Psychologist or Counselor (for PD sufferer and care partner both)

5.   Psychiatrist or Geri-psychiatrist (experts in depression, anxiety and psychosis)

6.   Social Worker

7.   Occupational Therapist

8.   Personal Trainer (or program like RSB4)

9.   Gerontologist and/or Urologist

10. Dietitian or Nutritionist

11. Palliative Care Specialist

12. Financial Planner

In a perfect world, there would be NO Parkinson's. However, barring that, we hope the clinic of the future will have all of these specialists in one place and available to all Parkinson's and other neuro disease patients. 

In the meanwhile, care partners should learn to be good advocates for their PD sufferers and make sure specific symptoms for their loved ones are addressed properly. Have your general practitioner recommend specialists for all areas of discomfort. Find PWR, LSVT programs, RSB, and other Parkinson's treatments in your area and attend, to find the one that works best for you and your loved one. Since every case of PD is different, each individual will respond differently. Try, until you find the right fit.

We're all in this together, so glean information and experience from others on the same journey. And, NEVER give up! Also, never discount the power of prayer. If you're one who prays, then pray. If you're not, you may want to take it up! It sure helps us get through the tough times and keep our heads above water!

Life is still good, so don't give up quite yet!

1 The Parkinson Path. PANC: Spring 2019, Multidisciplinary Care for Parkinson's Disease, by Norika Malhado-Chang, M.D., Associate Professor Neurology, UC Davis School of Medicine.

LSVT Global, Inc. pioneered the Lee Silverman Voice Treatments (LSVT LOUD® ; and LSVT BIG® ), innovative and clinically-proven methods for improving communication and movement in individuals with Parkinson disease with application to other neurological conditions.

3 PWR: Parkinson's Wellness Recovery, NeuroFit Networks DBA: Parkinson Wellness Recovery | PWR! is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit founded in September 2010 by Dr. Becky G. Farley to translate cutting edge research on exercise and brain change into real world health care paradigms TODAY for individuals with Parkinson disease.

4 RSB: Rock Steady Boxing, A 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, gives people with Parkinson’s disease hope by improving their quality of life through a non-contact boxing based fitness curriculum. www.rocksteadyboxing,org