Thursday, April 27, 2017

Caregiver Resources

So, I never knew about caregiver resource centers till I moved to Northern California! Quite frankly, I didn't know there was such a thing available to the home caregiver. I wasn't able to find anything in San Jose when we lived there.

We have a facility here in Citrus Heights, whose sole purpose it is to help the home caregiver! The company, Del Oro Caregiver Resource Center, supplies respite, a yearly seminar, counseling, and more, at no charge to you. And, they don't base the help you receive, on your income!

We've been here for close to 2 years, now. And this is the second year Del Oro has given us vouchers for extra help to take care of Jamey. That has saved us $2,000!  I have someone come in on Wednesday so I can go to my Bible Study without worry about him alone. She showers, shaves and dresses him so it gives me a break one day a week.

Since home caregivers no longer receive a stipend from the government (we hope that will change in the near future), we must rely on help from places like Del Oro. I encourage you to find caregiver resources in your area.l have received not only respite care, but also encouragement and counseling when I need a pick-me-up. At their yearly get together, I meet many others in my same situation, and Del Oro provides great guest speakers with practical ideas to help caregivers get through difficult times. Last year there were about 200 of us and they supplied a scrumptious lunch, lots of resource booths, and massage off and on all day! So wonderful! It didn't cost any of us a dime. I've got to tell you, that one day got me through about six months of caregiving!

So get on that computer and start surfing (shoot the curl!) for caregiver resources in your area. Look specifically for centers that provide financial and respite help. Please let me know if you find anything in your area and I'll let my readers know, too!

 Del Oro has been a huge blessing to us and hopefully you can find something just as beneficial!